Hello everyone,
For the exhibition I made two pieces in which I tried to show my own interpretation of the subject Growth. I want to show you the two pieces first, so you can form your own vision, before you hear mine. (Click on the pictures for a higher definition.) Left is called Journey, the one on the right Ambition.
I hope you took the time to look at the pieces, and think about them for a bit. Here is what my message was behind the pieces: I want to start with the piece Journey. I was thinking about what growth means to me, what personal growth means to me. I tried to visualize how I see my personal growth, and how I see personal growth in general. Pretty quickly the scenery you see above came to mind. I see personal growth as a journey, you need to take different steps in order to grow. But not every step is as easily taken. Sometimes there will be hole in the way, like you can see on the second steps. You need to take a leap, or get the help of others. You need to dare take that step! The same is with the last ‘bridge’ you see, it’s just two ropes. Sometimes you need to face your fears to get up, you need to get out of your comfort zone, in order to grow. The person you see in white, is me, or maybe you. If you look closely you might notice that the face you see on the piece ‘Ambition’ is the face of the person in the piece ‘Journey’. The face looks up with green eyes, full of ambition and a bit of curiosity. You need ambition and courage to take the steps. But you also need to be curios, you want to learn, otherwise you don’t have a reason to take those steps.
I came across this beautiful quote from Emma Watson, that I think fits perfectly with the story I wanted to tell:
‘’There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. It’s not the absence of fear, it’s overcoming it. Sometimes you’ve got to blast through and have faith.’’ – Emma Watson
Next I want to show you guys the process of the pieces I made. Sadly, most of the process of Journey was lost. This is pure the design/production of the piece, not the concepting fase.
- Susan
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